“Puget Sounders Who Brighten Our Community”

December 23rd, 2022


Highlights from 2022

December 15th, 2022

Dear Friends & Neighbors, We’re using this month’s newsletter to provide you with highlights from 2022. After emerging from the COVID pandemic, Seattle residents, schools, and store owners have made it clear they expect their government to make progress reducing crime and homelessness. As the elected City Councilmember for Northeast Seattle, I strive to provide sensible […]


Standing Up for Public Safety in the City Budget

November 29th, 2022

Friends and Neighbors, Our November newsletter focuses on the final decisions allocating Seattle’s $7.4 billion budget to address the issues that concern you the most. As I mentioned in my October newsletter, I realize that reducing homelessness and increasing safety remain the top concerns across Seattle and so my efforts during the budget review process […]


Increasing Safety and Reducing Homelessness with City’s Budget

October 27th, 2022

Friends and Neighbors, Our October newsletter focuses on City Hall discussions on allocating Seattle’s $7.4 billion budget to address the issues that concern you the most. Reducing homelessness and increasing safety remain the top concerns across Seattle and so I’m likely to support Mayor Harrell’s budget proposals on those two important challenges. Please click on the […]


$7 billion City budget under review — and more

September 29th, 2022

Friends and Neighbors, September is back to school for our kids and back to budget for our policymakers. In this newsletter, we celebrate our District 4, I discuss why I voted against doubling the property tax for parks, I provide initial thoughts on the Mayor’s proposal to spend $7.4 billion for the City budget, and more. […]


Budget is Coming

August 25th, 2022

Friends and Neighbors, Let’s dive in. To round out your summer reading list, here’s our August newsletter: District 4: Engaging in the U District, View Ridge, Wallingford, Wedgwood, and more. Public Safety: recruitment plan passes and “National Night Out” revives. Budgets and Taxes: Budget is coming! Affordability: City planning process must encourage more low-income housing […]


Safety and more in July

July 29th, 2022

Friends and Neighbors, Safety has been a theme for July. The need for safety in our communities and safety in our parks. Safety for women seeking health care. Safety from the heat waves of climate change. Safety for Seattle’s aging bridges and safety for neighbors simply trying to cross the street. Mayor Bruce Harrell on July […]


June busting out with pride and no budget deficit

June 30th, 2022

Friends and Neighbors, Pride was overflowing in Seattle this past weekend as thousands were reminded of how fantastic our city can be. People were happy to be outside in the sunshine during the Seattle Pride Parade, once again enjoying the heart of their city — from City Hall to the Space Needle. Even as a […]


Hope Springs Ahead with Day of Service

May 27th, 2022

Friends and Neighbors, This past November delivered hope to many Seattleites by electing a new Mayor, a new citywide Councilmember, and a new City Attorney — followed in January by a new Council President. This past weekend, Mayor Harrell’s “Day of Service” transformed that hope into tangible action. Seahawks Football head coach Pete Carroll joins Mayor Harrell and […]


Homelessness, Safety, Bridges Top Issues from Seattle Survey

April 28th, 2022

Friends and Neighbors, Thank you for the ongoing feedback I receive from many of you about our work at City Hall and in District 4!  Based on your feedback, this month’s newsletter explores several of your key priorities: District 4: engaging in Eastlake, U District, Wallingford, and more Homelessness: public concerns, community forum, and more […]


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