January 31st, 2020
Thanks to those who attended the Town Hall for District 4 residents, hosted last night by the Eastlake Community Council. If we did not answer a question you might have had or you did not get a chance to state your views on an issue important to you, please e-mail us at alex.pedersen@seattle.gov At the […]
Posted: January 31st, 2020 under
Councilmember Pedersen.
January 31st, 2020
January has been a busy month for our team, and we wanted to share what we have been working on to better represent you and the 20 neighborhoods of D-4 at City Hall. The new City Council was sworn in January 6th, and our D-4 team has been hard at work ever since. Committee Work […]
Posted: January 31st, 2020 under
Councilmember Pedersen.
January 27th, 2020
In the wake of last week’s shooting, I heard disturbing reports of extraneous “surge” pricing of ride share companies that occurred during the chaos and confusion of the incident. Attached is a link to the letter I sent to Lyft and Uber today, as the Chair of the City Council’s Transportation Committee, inquiring about the […]
Posted: January 27th, 2020 under
Councilmember Pedersen.
January 23rd, 2020
I am saddened, horrified, and fed up with the senseless violence we saw in Wednesday’s shooting, and I echo the statement made by Councilmembers Lewis and Herbold today: https://council.seattle.gov/…/councilmembers-herbold-lewi…/… “This morning our hearts are filled with grief for the loss of life that occurred as a result of last night’s shootings. We are deeply saddened […]
Posted: January 23rd, 2020 under
Councilmember Pedersen.
January 6th, 2020
I am excited to announce that I will Chair the City Council’s Transportation, Utilities (and Technology) Committee. This is an enormous responsibility and a vote of confidence in my fiscal accountability experience as these departments comprise more than half ($3.8 billion) of our city government’s budget of $6.5 billion. This Committee impacts everyone as we […]
Posted: January 6th, 2020 under
Councilmember Pedersen.