Posts for January, 2020

Follow-up from our Town Hall: Where to Comment on the “J Line” Bus Rapid Ride (Eastlake Ave) Proposal and How to Connect to the Eastlake Community Council

January 31st, 2020

Thanks to those who attended the Town Hall for District 4 residents, hosted last night by the Eastlake Community Council. If we did not answer a question you might have had or you did not get a chance to state your views on an issue important to you, please e-mail us at At the […]


January 2020 Newsletter – District 4

January 31st, 2020

January has been a busy month for our team, and we wanted to share what we have been working on to better represent you and the 20 neighborhoods of D-4 at City Hall. The new City Council was sworn in January 6th, and our D-4 team has been hard at work ever since. Committee Work […]


Letter to Lyft and Uber Following the January 22nd Mass Shooting

January 27th, 2020

In the wake of last week’s shooting, I heard disturbing reports of extraneous “surge” pricing of ride share companies that occurred during the chaos and confusion of the incident. Attached is a link to the letter I sent to Lyft and Uber today, as the Chair of the City Council’s Transportation Committee, inquiring about the […]


Statement on downtown shooting

January 23rd, 2020

I am saddened, horrified, and fed up with the senseless violence we saw in Wednesday’s shooting, and I echo the statement made by Councilmembers Lewis and Herbold today:…/councilmembers-herbold-lewi…/… “This morning our hearts are filled with grief for the loss of life that occurred as a result of last night’s shootings.  We are deeply saddened […]


Statement on Committee Assignments

January 6th, 2020

I am excited to announce that I will Chair the City Council’s Transportation, Utilities (and Technology) Committee. This is an enormous responsibility and a vote of confidence in my fiscal accountability experience as these departments comprise more than half ($3.8 billion) of our city government’s budget of $6.5 billion. This Committee impacts everyone as we […]


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