Posts for April, 2022

Homelessness, Safety, Bridges Top Issues from Seattle Survey

April 28th, 2022

Friends and Neighbors, Thank you for the ongoing feedback I receive from many of you about our work at City Hall and in District 4!  Based on your feedback, this month’s newsletter explores several of your key priorities: District 4: engaging in Eastlake, U District, Wallingford, and more Homelessness: public concerns, community forum, and more […]


Concerns about Scooters

April 13th, 2022

INTRODUCTION: In September 2020, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) asked City Council to allow for-profit companies to put thousands of e-scooters on certain parts of Seattle’s sidewalks so those companies could then charge people who ride the scooters on Seattle’s streets. While interested in another alternative, environmentally friendly mode of short-distance transportation, I shared […]


New Funding Option to Increase Protection of Seattle’s Aging Bridges

April 4th, 2022

MORE INFORMATION ON BRIDGES: April 4, 2022: Disappointment in Harrell Administration rejection in 2022 of City Council’s $100 in bonds for bridge safety. Statement from Seattle Councilmember Alex Pedersen, Chair of the City Council’s Transportation Committee, Regarding the Harrell Administration’s Decision to Decline Council’s Additional Funding for Bridge Safety SEATTLE – Councilmember Alex Pedersen issued the […]


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